A Brief Guide To High Advance Locking Mechanisms

By educating themselves about the benefits of high security locks, homeowners could achieve a heightened sense of security for their property. These high-powered locks and mechanisms exceed the limitations of standard household locks and act as a deterrent for potential burglars.

What Makes Them High Security?

Common practices of would-be burglars are to use destructive tools to gain access into the property. Locks that are classified as high security possess a design that makes these tactics nearly impossible. They possess features such as steel rods and ball bearings that help to maintain the integrity of the locks.

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Burglars who attempt to break into the property with lock picking tools are equally frustrated by these high security models. The locks feature paracentric key ways. This prevents any objects other than the appropriate key to gain access to the locking mechanism. The grooves within the lock stop these picking tools from reaching the correct sections of the lock to gain entry.

Preventing Manipulation of the Lock

These models are designed to feature manipulation resistance. This indicates that the internal housing of the key prevents criminals from using commonly know tactics to gain entry into a property. For example ironmongery, the technique known as key bumping allows them to place a blank key into the lock and force the driver pins to move. With a high security door lock a pin is installed into the device. This prevents any object other than the key cut for the specific lock to gain access to the driver pins. They are blocked within the lock. This increases the security of these mechanisms and prevents home invasions.

An Inability to Make an Impression

Would-be burglars have often made impression models of a given key to break into a property. With these locks, this isn’t possible. The keys themselves prevent anyone other than a trained locksmith from replicating the key. For a licensed locksmith to reproduce the keys, the homeowner must present them with a security card for that specific key. Otherwise, the locksmith cannot make a duplicate copy. They also require specialized key cutting tools beyond standard options to replicate these keys.

Homeowners who wish to increase the security of their home should invest in high security locking devices. These options feature components that reduce the probability of a break in significantly. They also could restore peace of mind for these homeowners. To learn more about these high security opportunities, review new models today.